Race Challenge Envelopes


Can be done at any point of the day

 A Night Under the Stars

 Spend time as a family camping out under the stars.
See if you can locate the Big Dipper.
Are there other constellations you see?
Take time to be reminded of Gods promise to be with Abram.
Upon completion add Today’s Main Truth sticker to your journal.

 Put Together the Pieces

Use the provided Day 1 Verse Puzzle and cut it into pieces to put together.
Try and see how fast you can put it together.
Upon completion add today’s memory verse sticker to your journal.

Rome Point

(Saunderstown) 2.4 miles out and back
1. From the parking lot, head onto the trail (picture).
2. You stay straight on this path heading down toward the water. Be careful as you descend the big rocky hill. It can be slippery as rocks shift.
3. After you pass the clearing with the power lines, take the first right.
4. There is a rock wall right off the path.
5. Hidden in the corner will be the box you’re looking for (picture).
6. Return it covered up after you gather what you need.
7. Head back to the main path to see the beach.
8. Simply turn around to take this path back to the parking lot!